  • Radar

    Pantalones blancos

    4 noviembre, 2018 Redacción

    Puede que se acerque el invierno, pero eso no significa que tengamos que guardar las prendas blancas con la ropa de primavera-verano. Sobre todo porque el blanco sigue siendo uno de los colores del año. Lo estamos viendo mucho en pantalones, prenda adecuada para la bajada de temperaturas, combinado con negro y con colores neutros como el camel, o con colores pastel.

    Llévalos con jerseys negros de cuello de cisne, gruesos jerseys de punto o, si te atreves, viste un total look con una traje de chaqueta y pantalón. Te dejamos algunas ideas para que te inspires.

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    PSA 4 NYC: HAVE YOU VOTED TODAY?? The phrase on my shirt was authored by the inimitable @duca.lauren and published on @teenvogue.com on Dec. 10th 2016 (I remember the exact date not only because it was my 30th birthday, but because of the way this brilliant headline and story sliced through our cluttered feeds and became a watershed moment of sorts—or as @oprah would say, “an ah-ha moment” that perfectly articulated what so many of us were feeling while also doing the important work of demanding respect+space for young people’s voices to be heard in political discourse). Two years later this message is as relevant now as it was then. I realize message tees can get a bad rap sometimes but I’m wearing this shirt as a reminder that the work isn’t done. And especially on days like today (NYC primaries!) there actually is something we can all DO to speak truth to power. We #VOTE. Thank you @prabalgurung for making this shirt as an homage to the impact of this message. And P.S. I’d like to nominate Lauren Duca for your next Twitter follow because if you’re not following already, you’re missing out on ???! ? @sveltemetals

    Una publicación compartida de Elaine Welteroth (@elainewelteroth) el

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    Gloomy afternoons in Paris ? well spent?? anzeige

    Una publicación compartida de Caroline Daur (@carodaur) el

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    Una publicación compartida de Julie Pelipas (@juliepelipas) el

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    @alexeaglestudio bespoke ? @modehunter

    Una publicación compartida de Sarah Harris (@sarahharris) el

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